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Early Education Center

Play with us


  • For us, every   child is unique;

  • We believe that a child is naturally constantly trying to develop, so we trust him and follow his development rhythm and interests.

  • We know that nature has a therapeutic effect  For humans, therefore our environment is rich in natural materials, children have a connection with nature.

  • We understand that childhood is a valuable period in a person's life, so we try to make every day pleasant and memorable for them.

  • Family is the most important for a child, therefore parents are active participants in the process with us.



Our program  is built on the needs and interests of children. They draw, sculpt, build,  sing, dance, create things, invent stories, compose music. , in relation with nature .


The educational program is based on the state standard of early and preschool education. 

We create a variety of tools for the development of the child's overall physical, social-emotional, speech and cognitive skills.


The physical environment of our center is based on the principles of Reggio Emilia pedagogy, is aesthetic, rich in natural materials, different textures and  different sources of light.


Furniture is made of natural materials, toys are environmentally friendly. Children spend a significant part of the day in the yard.

The course of the day is calm and follows the rhythm of the children.

სოციალური  გარემო ხელს უწყობს ბავშვებს იყვნენ დამოუკიდებლები, დაეხმარონ ერთმანეთს,  

Make friends, cooperate, develop together.

Children learn to manage their emotions, to keep in line, to ask for toys 

To share,   to listen to each other's thoughts, to care for others.



Our educators see and respect an independent child, his specialness, 

Children are observed 

interests and needs,

Accordingly, they arrange the environment and offer materials for independent research and experiments.

Educators create an individual portfolio for each child, systematically providing information to parents.



The Chen menu is healthy and varied. Fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy and meat products, cereals.

We encourage children to be involved in the process of food preparation, to create new dishes.



The Early Learning Center is open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.  

The monthly cost of the program is  600 GEL. During the first month, you can use the half-day program, the cost of which is 300 GEL. There is a discount for siblings.



Saturday circle

Saturday Circle provides a one, two, or three hour program of varied activities designed for children of various ages. The price of the program depends on its duration and costs 20, 30 or 40 GEL. A monthly discount subscription is also valid.


Go to the link for registration

Contact us

Tel. 557 711133 

Georgia, 0162

visit us

Monday - Friday 11:00 - 16:30

Saturday 11:00 - 14:00



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